Friday, May 1, 2009

TOO good to be true..

urgh, It was a WONDERFUL DREAM!! as I was walking down my grand castle, I waited for someone. But I honestly don't know who. Then out of no where... Taylor Launter in a prince-outfit hold my hands.. It was like romeo and juliet all over again.... ' he knelt down and holds a GORGEOUS RING!!! aaaah- keliatan mimpi bgt!! Suddenly, I was in my room. Alone, but I felt it was very hot... so I went over to the AC remote holder... when I hold it.. it wasn't a remote after all. It was a PINK bold!! ( I've been wanting this SO much ) then on my bed was a package. FULL of SILIKONS!!! . Red jewels.. . Embroid stones.. . white leather.. . Pink fur.. OMG it was awsome!! but then It was really HOT . So I woke up! hahhaa... gue bgun keringatan... -_-" ternyata remotenya ketindih badanku... hehehe But then i saw, whats beside me. My old handphone, NO BOLD.. MAU TERIAK AQ!!!!!!!!! man.... this is so sad. BUT TOTALLY TRUE !!