Monday, September 21, 2009


Have you had a friend like her? Everyone loves her... Everyone knows her... She was a close friend of mine. Sharing tear drops of laughter in every joke I made... Gossiping rubbish about everyone ( not feeling guilty to say things behind backs ) share movies, eating ice cream... No, not ice cream.. Snow ice.... We were once what they call " friends " now, we're forever more " Frienemies " no white flags are raised, only a black to show that its going to end. How Snarktastical, I didn't know what I did to her.. Somehow I'm the bad guy in all of this. But as much as I want to end it.. And become one again. I just can't help myself to feel sorry for me. I've done something to upset her. Though she won't tell me. Figuring out myself.. I knew that I'm thinking all rubbish. I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!!! Xoxo B