Monday, September 28, 2009

I have the "clue" but it doesn't mean I solved the mission.

I don't know what to say. I really don't. Didn't realize the mistake I've done. hell, I feel like something was pulled out of my back... but it wont leave me. So, I've got the clue.. and I still don't know how to solve it. I didn't know that apart of me exist like that, I mean I didn't know I've hurt somebody with my words. especially you. I know that time, when I asked you to watch Harry potter with me... I was so bummed that you can't come. You said the film sucked right? and I was beggin' u to come since ur my friend. Guess I've gone to far, and now look at us? You ignoring me, pretending  I don't exist. and me? stupidly not knowing what I did wrong, thinking I didn't do anything and ur outta ur mind. This is my fault, though its urs too.. U could of told me what I did wrong, I could of understand. Now we're in different schools its harder to set things straight. When you said " others " got hurt by my sarcastic words... That almost put me in tears. It's bad enough that I've hurt you... now others too??

PS : I wanna start over, go back to the old days. You do want the same too.. do you? We'll hang in our usual place with our mrs.arron. ( to make a revolution : a wink, blink and there u go ) LOL
OH and I almost forgot, I'M DAMN SORRY !!!!!!!!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! SORRY!!!! .... I'm really sorry.
